CO2 Refills
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Re: CO2 Refills
I bought my 5 lb tank from Northern Brewer. I have it filled at the same fire extinguisher business in Minot that r@fink uses. The first fill was slightly more expensive because they had to purge the tank and pressure test it. After that each fill costs about $20.
Paul- Barley Posting
- Posts : 17
Re: CO2 Refills
My first tank was a used one from a welding company. The initial cost was minimal because it was a tank that wasn't on their inventory. On my next visit I exchanged tanks for a charge that was a little higher than what I expected, and a shorter date for the next hydro test. I switched over to a fire extinguisher shop that is cheaper and refills my own tanks.
r@fink- Cask Collaborator
- Posts : 83
Re: CO2 Refills
Thanks all for the input. dkwandt, that was exactly my concern and what I wanted to avoid. Cheers!
awarner- Barley Posting
- Posts : 2
Re: CO2 Refills
In Minot I have found that the local fire extinguisher shop is my best option. I did one exchange at a welding shop and ended up with a tank with a lot less left on the hydro test.
r@fink- Cask Collaborator
- Posts : 83
Re: CO2 Refills
igraf, is correct. you will purchse a cylinder, then exchange from then on, buying new is fine, but the fist time you go for more CO2 say good-bye. i use american welding in mandan at this time. fargo has a few welding supplies (tend to be less expensive but not always).
dkwandt- Hoppy Heralder
- Posts : 176
Re: CO2 Refills
I would check with Praxair or any other welding/gas supplier that you are familiar with in Fargo.
igraf- Barley Posting
- Posts : 2
Re: CO2 Refills
Hi awarner. Welcome to NDBrewers!
I don't keg, so I can't give you a good answer. But that won't stop me from guessing! Maybe the Coke and Pepsi distributors would be a good place to get CO2 tanks. For sure they have them, I just have no idea what they would charge. I'm sure one of the members that does keg will be along soon to give you a better answer.
I don't keg, so I can't give you a good answer. But that won't stop me from guessing! Maybe the Coke and Pepsi distributors would be a good place to get CO2 tanks. For sure they have them, I just have no idea what they would charge. I'm sure one of the members that does keg will be along soon to give you a better answer.
schmidty_nd- Barley Posting
- Posts : 19
CO2 Refills
Hi all new to the forum and relatively new to brewing...I've been doing extract and partial mash brews for about a year now and I'm looking to move from bottling to kegging. My question is regarding CO2 tanks. Should I be buying a new one from a homebrew supplier or are there places where you can pay a deposit and exchange tanks in the same way you would a propane tank? Anyone have any suggestions for the best place to get CO2 refilled in the FM area?
awarner- Barley Posting
- Posts : 2
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