Portable Kegerator
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NDBrewers :: Hardware & More :: DIY
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Re: Portable Kegerator
I just set the keg on top, took a sharpie to trace it and used a jigsaw. Also have to file the knobs on the hinge so the lid comes off freely. Another thing I saw someone do is hack out a 1/2 circle on the back of the lid for his 5# CO2. It fits in the lid and leans against the back handle. I'm not worried about the 3 gallon kegs, LOL! They just don't hold enough beer! I am though gonna get a sheet of dense foam insulation, cut them to size, stack and glue together to try to make a second lid with 2 holes in it since it also will fit 2 5 gallon ball lock kegs (I don't think you can fit 2 pin locks though). But man..... That will be a heavy cooler to lug around.
JaymeG- Cask Collaborator
- Posts : 58
Re: Portable Kegerator
Looks good Jayme! How did you hack the hole in the top? Do you have a really big cork to put in there if you decide to take to use the 2 - 3 gallon minis?
ryanjilek- Cask Collaborator
- Posts : 95
Portable Kegerator
Here's my new portable kegerator. Waaaaay cheaper than a jockey box or even the keg koozies with an icepack. This is an Igloo Maxcool 70qt roller cooler. The cheapest place to get these is at Target online or Walmart online for $45. This will also fit 2 - 3gal kegs with the lid closed and then can attatch faucets to the cooler side. This is gonna work GREAT for Oktoberfest, camping, anything that you want to bring your brew to!
Last edited by JaymeG on Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:57 am; edited 1 time in total
JaymeG- Cask Collaborator
- Posts : 58
NDBrewers :: Hardware & More :: DIY
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