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PHC 2014 Club Campout June 27-29

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PHC 2014 Club Campout June 27-29 Empty PHC 2014 Club Campout June 27-29

Post  Dean Gundberg Sun May 25, 2014 12:37 pm

The dates is out for the PHC club Campout at Clausen Springs, south of Valley City - June 27-29, a week after the ND Brewers Campout.

"This event is an informal campout about 60 minutes to the west just south of Valley City. It is a county run campground with a large group area that we generally take over. There is water and showers on site, everyone is responsible for their own food and beverages(but there is plenty of sharing). We usually have some type of Cook-off for the Saturday evening meal(more information about that as it get closer). We usually make a group campfire and spend a lot of time sharing beer around it.
Like I said this is a pretty unorganized event, but I wanted to get the date out there so people could make plans if they are interested. We will certainly answer questions anyone might have.

We will have more info as it get closer."

You don't have to be a PHC member to attend, just let us know you are coming.
Dean Gundberg
Dean Gundberg
Cask Collaborator

Posts : 62

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