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Brewing with pumpkin

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Brewing with pumpkin Empty Pumpkin Ale

Post  Jon Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:36 pm

I have not sampled the Pumpkin Ale yet... been too busy brewing  Surprised  As soon as a keg dies, it will be next in the lineup.
Hoppy Heralder

Posts : 102

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Brewing with pumpkin Empty Re: Brewing with pumpkin

Post  JaymeG Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:18 am

How did your Pumpkin turn out???
Cask Collaborator

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Brewing with pumpkin Empty Re: Brewing with pumpkin

Post  JaymeG Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:34 pm

I've done it in the mash as well. My best results have been cubing it and cooking it until soft and turning color. Then I put it in a nylon bag and into the boil. after I took it out then put it in a strainer and pushed out all the juice from the pumpkin. I hope this works out for you!

Also... sweet potato works great as well!
Cask Collaborator

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Brewing with pumpkin Empty Brewing with pumpkin

Post  Jon Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:11 pm

I roasted some home-grown pumpkin then pureed it before adding it to the mash of an English Mild Ale yesterday. Here's a couple things I learned in the process...

During the sparge the wort will flow freely at first, but the pumpkin puree sets the mash into a big soft cake and the sparge slowed to almost a stop. Once I cut the mash open a bit, the wort flowed freely again.

Unless you can have your pumpkin at the same temperature as the mash when you add it to the mash, be prepared to adjust the temperature by direct heating, or as I did, pulled a portion for a decoction, boiled it then returned it to the mash to bump the mash back up to the desired temperature.

Next time, I don't think I will puree the pumpkin, but just mash it up with a potato masher, then heat it to the same temperature as my mash before adding it to the mash.

I did not add any spice to the beer, just the roasted pumpkin. I want to see what flavor the pumpkin contributes instead of making a liquid-pumpkin pie beer.
Hoppy Heralder

Posts : 102

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